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Chapter 14 is the fourteenth chapter of the Pichi Pichi Pitch Mermaid Melody manga.


Lucia, Hanon and Rina, set out a trip on Gackto's castle to rescue Caren and the other princesses. They summon Aqua Regina and grants them a new power in which they save all the imprisoned princesses.


Hanon says she has a bad feeling about the trip and Rina believes they have come closer to Caren since the harp is getting stronger while Lucia hears a voice telling her about the harp.

At school, Kaito wonders why Lucia was crying and the reason she did not come to school today.

At Gackto's castle, Gackto introduces the kidnapped Caren to Sara as her present but Sara complains that the pearl was not with her. Gackto confirms it will arrive shortly. Gackto can hear the melody of Aqua Regina's harp and he realizes that the princesses are here. Yuri and the rest of the Dark Lovers realize the same thing it in no time. As the girls aprroach the castle, they realize that it is moving and the reason no one was never able to spot it. When the girls get inside it, they notice the harp strings are gone and they also hear Yuri and Eriru warning them that they are powerless now in the castle. Gackto is walking down the stairs to welcome the mermaids and he complains how they were not dressed properly. The 3 girls are automatically dressed as princesses. Gackto asks them for a deal, to give him their pearls and he will unleash Caren. They ask where is Caren, Noel and the princess of the South Pacific. Lucia spots Caren being locked behind her. Gaito tells them that she is not hurt. All the 3 girls decline his offer so in exchange, Gackto decided to make them suffer separately.

Hanon wakes up and wonders where she is. However, she spots Izuru with a giant fish to fight her. Hanon dodges her attacks and an old woman asks her to follow her as Hanon wonders who she is. Meanwhile, Rina tries to ask Caren if she is hearing her and Caren replies that what she did was useless. On the glass, she spots a man behind her in a surprise. Lucia wakes up in a room and explores it. She suddenly hears a voice from behind and sees a woman laughing. Lucia is surprised and asks her if she is a sea monster where she gets a negative answer. Sara compliments her that the harp she holds is beautiful and if she got it from Aqua Regina, next she says that a harp without its strings belongs trash and keeps offending their powers.

At the beach, Kaito was surfing as he fell off to the sea and saw a sakuragai reminding him the Pink Pearl Mermaid Princess.

Back to the castle, Lucia walks down a corridor as she can hear Rina's voice. The Black Beauty Sisters were singing for Rina to suffer. When Lucia came near this duo, she dropped the harp to cover her ears from the song. Gackto hugged Rina so she could not run away. She sees lucia approaching her but tells her not to get any closer. Eriru joins them with the harp she found. Lucia in her stress wishes for Kaito to help her. Back to the beach, Kaito and Tarō hear Lucia's voice although Kaito refuses he is correct. in the castle, Hanon is behind Eriru as Lucia is confused. Hanon attack Eriru and gets the harp back asking Lucia if she does not believe in Aqua Regina. Sheshe and Mimi capture Hanon after she threw the harp to Lucia. Hanon says she should not worry about her and she should play the harp to summon Aqua Regina. Sara is watching over the battle. Hanon and Rina shout to Lucia to believe in Aqua Regina. She also remembers Kaito encouraging her which makes her strong mentally. Lucia plays the harp that got its strings again and provided a warm light that makes Gackto, Sheshe and Mimi to drop Rina and Hanon. Aqua Regina appears and tells them they have done a good job. She gives them a new song that can be sang only in a new idol form. With the songs power, the imprisoned princesses are freed and try to escape. As they leave Sara asks Coco why she leaves. They hug each other and Sara says the seven of them will never be together. Meanwhile, Gackto throws an rose rope to capture Caren but Noel sacrifices herself again. The four mermaids leave the castle immediately.

Back to land, Caren tries to get back to sea but Rina stoppped her. Caren asks Rina if the same thing might happened to her but Rina cried instead of answering. Lucia and Hanon courage her and Caren is surprised. The main three girls ask her that they will all save them together someday. Which Caren agrees to.

The next day at school, Hanon, Lucia and Rina talk about the previous events and Kaito aprroaches Lucia, he wanted to tell her something but eventually gives her a sakuragai he found and asks why she said she will treasure it and she is really happy she gave her it.

At his castle, Gackto sets out he will capture all princesses and his twin brother.



  • This is the first chapter where Coco appears. This chapter also makes the debut for the Super Idol forms.
Volumes and Chapters
Pichi Pichi Pitch (2002-2005)
Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3 Volume 4
0102030405 0607080910 1112131415 1617181920
Volume 5 Volume 6 Volume 7
2122232425 2627282930 Side Story 1Side Story 2Side Story 3
Extras Not In Original Volumes
Short: Lucia & KaitoShort: Hanon & NagisaShort: Rina & Masahiro
Pichi Pichi Pitch Aqua (2021-)
Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3 Volume 4
0102030405 060708091011 1213141516 171819202122
Volume 5
Short 1Short 2Short 3